Is Violet Followill A New Kings Of Leon Member?

Posted by Artie Phelan on Sunday, June 9, 2024

Father Christmas just left tons and tons of little and big surprises to a million of girls and boys around the world and maybe to some lucky adults too. Probably you wake up to a nice pair of shoes or a new brand laptop but when your dad is a well-known drumer from an indie rock music band what can you expect? An ultimate oven to bake cookies and cupcakes? Maybe, but it’s not this case! Nathan Followill, drumer, cousin, father, back singer, husband and also Santa Clause just gifted his daughter Violet with…

What a surprise, a little drum!

As he said, his ears won’t ever be the same so I hope he has recived a couple of christmasy earplugs because these following months aren’t gonna be easy for him at midnight, AM or even at seven o’clock in the morning. Could Violet be the next music writer for the next Kings Of Leon album? That wouldn’t be so strange because the music and most likely a drum stick runs through her vains. Or who knows? Could Violet be touring with his father in ten years time? That would be lovely. Kings Of The Violet Leon? Violet Kings Of Leon? Violet And The Kings?

Do those band names sound good enough?

Is Violet Followill A new KOL's Member? 1

We don’t know what the future will bring us but what we can think about is that the little Followill will be having fun reciving drum lessons from his father.

Spending time with any of your parents it’s great and if we add that he will be teaching her what he lives for it’s a plus.

Is Violet Followill A new KOL's Member? 1

We hope they have amazing moments and Merry Christmas to all of you! Go and take some time with your family. Share with them your hobbies, let them show theirs and have fun all together!
