The UFC president shares insight into his life-altering food regime

Posted by Artie Phelan on Monday, June 10, 2024

News of UFC president Dana White's miraculous health improvement after following some lifestyle changes suggested by 10X Health Systems' Gary Brecka has gone viral among the MMA fandom.

In a recent appearance on the Balancing Chaos podcast, the 53-year-old revealed the specifics of the keto diet that helped him turn his health around. White said that the various keto alternatives to regular foods made the diet extremely approachable:

"I've been on a keto diet now for thirteen weeks. I feel incredible. I love it and the other thing that's happening right now is they have keto everything. They have keto breads so you can make sandwiches, they have keto pasta. You know, they have all the great keto foods that you can eat. It wasn't like five years ago [when people on keto] ate meat and salads all the time, and avocados and nuts. There's so many different things that you can eat and the weight will just rip right off you."

Watch Dana White talk about his diet below:

White further added that he has a five-hour window to have food and usually has his first meal at 2 in the afternoon and his last at 7 in the evening. The 53-year-old stated that once he started keto, he realized how much unhealthy food he used to consume previously.

According to WebMD, a ketogenic diet is a high-protein and low-carb diet. The idea of the diet is to consume more calories from protein and fat while cutting down on carbs from sugar, bread, pastries, soda, and the like.

Dana White detailed his health improvement after following keto diet at the suggestion of Gary Brecka

In a recent appearance on the Action Junkeez podcast, Dana White revealed that his health has drastically improved since following some of the dietary and lifestyle changes suggested by Gary Brecka.

The UFC president revealed that since changing the diet, his health issues like sleep apnea and leg pains have disappeared. White even claimed that he felt like he was 35 years old again:

"I did everything he said to the letter, I lost 30 pounds, My legs were so f****d up thirteen weeks ago I couldn't tie my shoes... No more sleep apnea, I don't snore, every thing is gone in ten f*****g weeks... I've been working with doctors for ten years... This guy can come in and literally change your life... I'm on the keto diet... This is what Gary Brecka told me... there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate... I've never felt better... I feel like I'm 35 years old again."

Catch the full episode with Dana White below:

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